Top 10 Lawyer Excuses for Messy Desks  (And How to Fix Them)

12th Aug 2024

Top 10 Lawyer Excuses for Messy Desks (And How to Fix Them)

In the fast paced world of law, a lawyer’s desk often turns into a battleground of papers, files and coffee mugs. While many legal professionals take pride in their ability for navigating this chaos, the truth is that a cluttered desk can greatly impede productivity and professionalism. Let's delve into the top 10 justifications lawyers use for explaining their workspaces. Further, there are some tips for law firms turning these chaotic surfaces into efficient methods.

1. “I have my system in this organized mess”

This common excuse may sound reasonable at glance. If you can locate what you need, why bother organizing? However this reasoning falls apart upon examination. Here’s why this excuse doesn’t stand up:

●It heightens the risk of misplacing documents.

●It depends on flawless memory which falters under pressure.

●It consumes time rummaging through stacks.

●It gives off a vibe to clients and colleagues.

Solution: Set up a clear filing system for your law firms with labeled folders. Dedicate time for establishing an organized filing system that is easy to follow. Utilize clearly marked folders whether physical or digital for sorting the documents by client case or date. This method enables seamless access to items and lessens the burden of having to remember where thighs are located.

2. “I’m swamped with work and can’t tidy up”

Many lawyers argue that they lack the time for sorting out their workspaces. This justification overlooks a crucial irony. The irony of wasting time hunting for documents:

●More time is squandered searching for items than it would take for getting organized.

●Lack of organization results in missed deadlines and anxiety.

●A cluttered workspace can hinder concentration and productivity.

Solution: Allocate 10 minutes each day for upkeeping your desk. Set a reminder for a cleaning session. Utilize this time for organizing papers, eliminating items and reset your work space. This minor effort will yield benefits in enhanced efficiency and reduced stress.

3. “It’s a hallmark of a legal mind”

Some lawyers proudly display their messy desks as a mark of distinction citing instances of famously disordered geniuses. Nonetheless this notion does not withstand scrutiny. Debunking the myth of messy genius:

●Correlation does not equal causation; brilliance and messiness aren’t inherently linked.

●Many successful lawyers maintain impeccably organized workspaces.

●A cluttered environment can actually impede creative thinking and problem solving.

Solution: Utilize desk organizers to showcase your brilliance effectively. Invest in desk organizers that help you keep your used items nearby while maintaining a clean and professional look. This not only demonstrates your personality and skills but also showcases your attention to details.

4. “I am working on too many cases simultaneously”

Handling many cases simultaneously is common for lawyers. Using it as an excuse for being disorganized is not helpful. Here is how cluttered files and messy lawyer’s desk can mix up the case files;

●Chances of missing important deadlines.

●Increased risk of breaching confidentiality.

●Potentially get confused in the client meetings and court appearances.

Solution: Organize your documents with color coded folders or digital tools. Assign a color for each case and use corresponding folders or digital tags. This visual system makes it easy to identify cases quickly. Reduces likelihood of confusion. Consider using case management software for law firms when dealing with files.

5. “My assistant take care of the organization”

While it is common that many lawyers rely on their assistants for organizational support, using it as an excuse for shifting their responsibility. But note that taking this responsibility is important because;

●Relying much on assistants can lead to issues when they are unavailable.

●Having a clear understanding of your own system boosts efficiency.

●It sets a positive example for the office.

Solution: Collaborate with your assistant to create a law firms organization system. Work together to establish a system that works well for both of you. Clearly outline and make sure you know how to navigate the system when needed.

6. “I’ll clean it up once I win the case”

Procrastination is a main culprit behind messy desks, with lawyers promising themselves that they will get organized after achieving a goal. The risk of perpetual delay of organization tasks;

●There is always another case or deadline looming ahead.

●Disorganization accumulates over time making the clean up more daunting.

●It reinforces the harmful notion that being organized is not essential for success.

Solution: Set small, achievable goals for organization. Divide the task into smaller parts for making it easily manageable. For instance, commit to organization of one drawer each day or going through a set of documents weekly. Celebrate these small accomplishments for keeping up the motivation.

7. “It intimidates opposing counsel”

Some lawyers feel that having a desk gives off the impression of a successful professional who prioritizes work over tidiness. However having a desk can actually work against your authority in ways;

●It may be seen as a lack of attention to detail.

●It could imply poor time management skills.

●Others might question your ability to handle cases efficiently.

Solution: Create an organized and professional desk layout of your law firms. Design your workspace to reflect competence and control by keeping case files organized, showcasing legal materials or accolades and maintaining a clutter free surface. This approach instills intimidation through professionalism rather than chaos.

8. "I'm environmentally conscious – I'm saving trees"

While reducing paper usage is admirable, using this as an excuse for a messy desk misses the point of true environmental responsibility.

The flaw in this logic:

●Keeping unnecessary papers doesn't save trees; it wastes space and resources

●Disorganization often leads to printing duplicate copies when originals can't be found

●True environmental consciousness involves efficient resource management

Solution: Implement a paperless system with proper digital file management. Invest in document scanning technology and cloud storage solutions. Develop a consistent naming convention for digital files and folders. This approach truly reduces paper usage while maintaining organization.

9. "It's a security precaution– nobody can locate anything"

While this excuse might elicit a chuckle, it highlights a serious concern about document security in law offices. Messy lawyer’s desk can lead to the risks of losing important documents:

●Potential breaches of client confidentiality

●Missed filing deadlines due to lost paperwork

●Difficulty in complying with document retention regulations

Solution: Invest in secure storage solutions for sensitive documents. Use locking file cabinets for physical documents and encrypted digital storage for electronic files. Implement a check-out system for important documents to track their location at all times.

10. “I’m retaining evidence for cases”

Some lawyers may defend their desks by saying they are safeguarding possible valuable information for later use. The differentiation between hoarding and record keeping:

●Indiscriminate document retention creates needle-in-a-haystack scenarios.

●Outdated data can result in errors if mistaken as information.

●Storing excessive old records violates various data protection laws.

Solution: Establish a clear archiving process for closed cases. Create guidelines on which documents should be kept and for how long. Consider off site storage or digital archiving for files. Regularly review and dispose of unnecessary documents in compliance with legal and ethical guidelines.

Product recommendations

To help you implement these solutions consider investing in the following organizational tools:

●File cabinets with built in locks for secured storage.

●Desktop files organizers for active case files.

Exhibit Label markers for clear folder identification.

Tab Dividers for instance access in files and ease of locating.

●For organizing large documents, number tabs can also be very useful.

●Digital scanners for implementing a paperless system.

●Cloud storage subscriptions for secure digital file management.

●Desk organizer sets for keeping frequently used items tidy.

●Color coded folders or stickers for visual file organization.

●Whiteboard or digital task manager for tracking deadlines and to-dos.

●Shredder for secure document disposal.


A messy lawyer’s desk may not seem big in the busy life of legal practice but the truth is that it impacts productivity, peace of mind and professionalism, and shouldn't be underestimated. By addressing these common excuses and implementing practical solutions, lawyers can create workspaces that enhance their effectiveness and project competence to clients and colleagues alike. Remember it is not about being perfect but making progress. Start with small changes and build habits that support long term organization.